First principle of leadership from the feminine part - distribution of power

The starting point of the kind of leadership I’m referring to is openness to the other, invitation aimed at the other to step into their own power and partake in the complex task that leadership itself is. One who leads from the feminine part knows very well that the best thing they can do is to open up ways for power to flow in the collective, rather than limiting it. From my perspective, there’s an enormous relief that comes from the knowledge my team are also invested in the success of GrantTree, like Daniel and I are. The fact that I’m good at hustling and getting a company off the ground doesn’t mean I have all the skills needed to scale it. My business would never be what it is today if we didn’t choose to create opportunities to distribute power early on, didn’t continue to practise this over the years, and didn’t explicitly reject the temptations of leadership through division.

Within the paradigm of feminine leadership, hierarchy doesn’t make much sense because underneath all the titles we are simply naked humans, with fears and traumas, but also unique strengths and talents. According to Anna Betz, a coach and author who writes about and studies collaborative leadership in organisations, including self-management and teal, the collective intelligence provides a new, qualitatively different source of leadership for organisations. In the age of the feminine power rising, this makes a lot of sense to me. We all have different flavours of awareness, ability and mastery and they can often be channelled more effectively when we come together. Those of you who have experience working on boards or panels know that there is a different and a surprising level of wisdom and insight that can emerge when a few people with inner authority come together with no ego-driven agendas.

Read about other principles of leadership from the feminine part here

Paulina Tenner