Fourth principle of leadership from the feminine part - inner authority

According to one of the spiritual authors I follow, Alana Fairchild, feminine authority comes into place when power is tempered with mercy, wisdom, compassion and love. Empowerment trumps control. Through living your truth and integrity, you lead by authentic example, claiming your own power from within in every moment, rather than using “power” that was granted to you from elsewhere. In this paradigm, there’s no sense of unhealthy responsibility for another, which creates dependency and disempowerment. What comes with the claiming of inner power is recognition of your authority which has nothing to do with your position in the external hierarchy, levels of social recognition or material success. When you step into your authority in the feminine way, your talents shine through. There’s no shame and no need for false modesty on one hand or PR coverage on the other, you simply live what you are, on a level of deeply personal and embodied power.

It’s because of the lack of feminine leadership that so many of us, often underneath all the signs of power and external success, feel completely disempowered and unworthy. An authentic sense of power can never be granted from elsewhere, and that’s one of the key lessons of the feminine part. It’s found deep within, underneath the chatter of the mind. It’s a place of deep alignment with ourselves and, if you experience it that way, a power way bigger than you which feels transpersonal and universal. To me, it’s beyond where we can go with mindfulness. It’s a place of inner wholeness, in other words divinity. But you may experience or frame it differently and that’s just as valid as what I experience. When you act from that place, there is no doubt or hesitation. There is just a gentle, non-urgent knowing which flows through you without effort. A sense of pristine clarity.

Read about other principles of leadership from the feminine part here

Paulina Tenner