Working remotely - why it is good for your company

In order to operate at their best, people need to feel trusted, particularly with how they manage personal resources, such as their own time and energy. In a remote working scenario those personal resources are placed in their hands. 

While interviewing people for work at GrantTree, a company I started ten years ago, I heard almost on a daily basis how much candidates disliked being mistrusted in one of their previous jobs. It was crucial for their performance to feel the management essentially deems them capable of doing the job they were hired to do. 

The good news for us all is that remote working makes it close to impossible to sustain counterproductive, fear driven behaviours such as micromanagement. Instead, it creates circumstances where trust in people can evolve, be tested and, hopefully, strengthened. 

Taking all the personal benefits of working remotely into consideration, during times such as this you are likely to get more rested, less depleted and more focused people showing up for work. This must be nothing but great for business as long as you can help them remain motivated and connected to other members of the team and to the company’s purpose. 

Paulina Tenner